Steering Committee
- Aidong Zhang, State University of New York at Buffalo
- May D. Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University
Committee Members:
- Yi Pan, Georgia State University
- Ying Xu, University of Georgia
- Mark Borodovsky, Georgia Institute of Technology
General Chairs
- Srinivas Aluru, Georgia Institute of Technology
- May Dongmei Wang, Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University
Program Chairs
- Christopher C. Yang, Drexel University
- T. M. Murali, Virginia Tech
Demo and Exhibit Chair
- Dr. Robert (Bob) Cottingham, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
HealthIT Partnership Chair
- Sherry N. Farrugia, Georgia Institute of Technology & Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
Industry Track Co-Chairs
- Dr. Xin Deng, Microsoft Corporation
- Donghui Wu, Knowledgent Group Inc
NIH Funding and Training Program Chair
- Dr. Greg Gibson, School of Biology, Georgia Institute of Technology
Poster Chairs
- Yu-Ping Wang, Tulane University
- Dongxiao Zhu, Wayne State University
Proceedings Chairs
- Xinghua Mindy Shi, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
- Yang Shen, Texas A&M University
Publicity Chairs
- Ananth Kalyanaraman, Washington State University
- Pierangelo Veltri, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro
Registration Chair
- Preetam Ghosh, Virginia Commonwealth University
Student Activity Chair
- Marzieh Ayati, Case Western Reserve University
Student Travel Award Chairs
- Prof. Zhaohui (Steve) Qin, Emory University
- Prof. May D. Wang, Georgia Tech and Emory University
- Student Co-Chair: Po-Yen (Leo) Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology
Tutorial Chair
- Prof. Tamer Kahveci, University of Florida
Women in Bioinformatics Panel Chair
- Wei Wang, University of California Los Angeles
Workshop Chair
- Leonard McMillan, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Web Masters
- Li Tong, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Hang Wu, Georgia Institute of Technology